Sunday, October 20, 2013

Introduction - Under Construction

My name is Sean-Michael B. Gettys and I love photography in all it's forms, especially film.  Please be patient as I add pages to this blog with examples of my work.

Lately I have not been able to get out much due to health problems, and I also can't work with the chemicals, but my love of photography has continued, despite the challenges.  Here you will find blog posts about my adventures with photography and examples of a variety of my work. Order page coming soon.

Dead Druid Doug Haloween 2009
 Portrait (Digital SLR)
My traditional camera gear can be so bulky and heavy, and I have dropped it breaking expensive lenses when I am too shaky or weak.

They say the best camera is the one you have on you, so lately I have taken to using my cell phone camera often, and altering the photos.

Backlit Leaves
Christopher Creek 2010 (Digital SLR)
It is probably simplest to break my photography into the following types:
* Film  
* Digital SLR, untouched  
* Altered Digital Photography  
* Phoneography (Droid X, IPod)

Soon you will be able to follow the links at the top of this page to see more examples of my work

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